Ortisei ski resort - weather, snow reports and reviews
Val Gardena 1273-2485m
Weather today
Weather conditions ski area
Snow quality
Snow quality 6.4
Snow condition Upper Mid-Range: Firm and Well-Traveled Snow - Slightly Soft Top Layer. Last substantial snowfall on Mon Mar 17: 5cm.
Snow anomaly
Average long-year snow depth in week 12 is 46 cm on the lower slopes and 125 cm on the upper slopes. Current snow depth is below long-term average.
Snow days
days with snow depth during ski season (in %, 10-year avg)
Ski area
The ski area of Val Gardena consists of 175.0 km of skiing slopes between 1236-2200m altitude. 35% is above 2000m. 44% is facing North.
There are 52.0 km of blue, 105.0 km of red, and 18.0 km of black slopes serviced by 210 lifts.
Ortisei is a beautiful town with nice shops and restaurants. It is located at one end of the Sella Ronda. Via Col Raiser you can ski down to a underground train station which connects with Selva. Fr..
Closest transit point for ski destination Ortisei is Innsbruck airport. The travel distance is 112 km which equals an est. travel time of 1 hour 30 mins.
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