www.engelberg.chGPS 8.41667 E 46.833302 N
Region ZentralSchweiz
State Nidwalden
GPS 8.41667 E 46.833302 N
Region ZentralSchweiz
State Nidwalden
Ski resort ratings for Engelberg compared to all other ski resorts. Based on 70 reviews.
Overall 72 | Skiing 70 | Skiregion 70 |
Novice | Advanced | Expert | Offpiste | Snow-sure |
7.2 6.9 | 6.0 7.6 | 7.5 7.7 | 7.8 7.1 | 7.0 6.8 |
Family | Atmosphere | Nature | Walking | Lifts |
8.4 7.6 | 7.1 7.8 | 6.2 6.7 | 7.4 7.7 | 7.0 7.0 |
Variety slopes | Snowparks | Crosscountry | Slope preparation | Slope orientation |
7.8 7.1 | 8.0 7.3 | 4.0 7.5 | 8.0 7.6 | 8.0 8.7 |
Restaurants | Ski-in/out | Access | Environment | Friendliness |
8.0 7.7 | 7.7 7.6 | 6.0 7.4 | 6.0 7.3 | 8.0 7.5 |
At only 1050m Engelberg is low, but dont let this put you off. Much of the best skiing is above 1800m, and the area has a justified reputation for powder. The best snow is usually on the high, north-facing slopes of Jochpass and Titlis (where there is a glacier) and conditions here can be great well into spring. Snow cover and quality is more variable on the lower slopes, particularly on Brunni, which is more exposed to the sun.
Review by Julia Fern from Manchester on Monday Oct 21st. Visited Engelberg in february 2013 as couple
Erg leuk skigebied als je een (lang) weekend wil gaan skien. Dat heb ik hier dan ook al drie keer gedaan, vaak rond april dan is het lekker weer en door de gletsjer is het toch zeker dat je uberhaupt kunt skien. Het dorp is klein en niet bijzonder maar er zitten een paar leuke bars waar het met de juiste mensen erg gezellig kan zijn. Het gebied is niet echt geschikt voor beginners. Bij weinig sneeuw moet je dan de hoogte in en daar zijn geen oefenpistes of iets dergelijks. Wel zeker de moeite waard voor de wat meer ervaren skier die er even snel uit wil aan het eind van het seizoen.
Alpine charm No proper beginner slopes
Review by Jelmer Van Voorst from Zwolle on Thursday May 1st. Visited Engelberg in april 2008 as single
I've been coming to Engelberg for years, partly because of the close proximity to Germany, but mainly because it Rocks! I've been to many resorts in Switzerland and France...but I keep coming back here. It may not have millions of kilometers of groomed piste, but it sure does have some of the best off-piste runs I've come accross! From the Klein Titlis all the way down to the Valey floor...without even having to get off the board once! Thats a whopping 2000 m in vertical ***! You can also Take a right from the Klein Titlis and *** in on some lovely snowfields that lead you over the glacier and down to the Trübsee. This is somethig like 1500 m in vertical ***. Then there is the Laub. Which ta
Good off piste Limited nightlife
Review by Mo from Köln on Friday Nov 16th. Visited Engelberg in march 2007 as friends
Engelberg is a great resort for people who like off piste skiing/boarding. Some say its Snow Boarder's heaven! The lifts do close a little early for my liking but the skiing is awesome. The are three main ski areas but the best is found on the Titlis glacier (3020m). The runs are pretty fast and you can ski from the top of the glacier to the resort, with only one short chairlift journey over the lake half way down which provides a welcome rest for the legs. This is a beautiful ski run with stunning views and varying ski levels. There aren't a vast choice of runs but those available are very good offering a challenge for all levels. The advanced will relish the challenge or perish of/on the m
Good off piste Few challenges for experts
Review by Jim Waddell from Aberdeen on Sunday Oct 7th. Visited Engelberg in january 2007 as couple
The Titlis is a demanding mountain, but the scenery and skiing is just fantastic. The pistes are very quite through the week and very busy through the weekend. There are so many different options on the mountain, steeps, couloirs, massive ***s if that is your thing. The Jochpass area provides easily accessible off piste. Engelberg has an absolutely friendly cosy easy-going feel to it. The place is easily accessible from Zurich, has an excellent snow record and immpressive terrain, highly recommended.
Review by Vicki Hewson from Devon on Thursday Aug 9th. Visited Engelberg in february 2007 as family