www.skiwelt.atGPS 12.3016 E 47.513599 N
Region Wilder Kaiser Kufstein Kitzbuhel
State Tirol
GPS 12.3016 E 47.513599 N
Region Wilder Kaiser Kufstein Kitzbuhel
State Tirol
Ski resort ratings for Ellmau compared to all other ski resorts. Based on 130 reviews.
Overall 76 | Skiing 68 | Skiregion 68 |
Novice | Advanced | Expert | Offpiste | Snow-sure |
7.8 6.9 | 7.7 7.6 | 7.3 7.7 | 6.4 7.1 | 5.9 6.8 |
Family | Atmosphere | Nature | Walking | Lifts |
6.5 7.6 | 8.4 7.8 | 7.1 6.7 | 8.1 7.7 | 7.9 7.0 |
Variety slopes | Snowparks | Crosscountry | Slope preparation | Slope orientation |
7.7 7.1 | 8.0 7.3 |
Ellmau village is a 20 min walk from one end to another. There are lots of lovely little coffee shops for lunch and apres ski meals. Ski lifts are less than 2 minute walk from sport hotel. Slopes are not crowded. Beginners runs are spectacular. Ski equipment and rentals are good value for money service is fast and efficient with options of storing equipement at slopes instead of at hotels. I spent seven days exploring different runs and still didnt cover all slopes and areas,
Alpine charm Few challenges for experts
Review by Maarten Lansinga from Wassenaar on Monday Nov 17th. Visited Ellmau in february 2008 as couple
In Ellmau you will reach the top quickly and comfortably with a funicular train "hartkaiserbahn" in the SkiWelt Wilder Kaiser - Brixental without question. Theoretically you can sweep off to an alpine ski hut, a nice umbrella bar or a cosy mountain tavern every 3.57 kilometres. And since everyone knows that apré ski is part and parcel of a good day on the piste, you will find plenty of people in high shirts here. Go to Ellmau and enjoy your holiday.
Alpine charm Few challenges for experts
Review by Silvia Fuchs from L'bourg on Wednesday Nov 21st. Visited Ellmau in february 2007 as couple
Pretty little town, lots of friendly Dutch and English people. We stayed at the Alpenhof, run by Crystal, the hotel was not very Austrian, but could not fault the staff, they were always very friendly and helpful. Not the best resort for "learn to ski", the nursery slopes at the bottom are fine, but change a bit too dramatically once at the top! (As some of the beginners in our family found). Those of us that have skied before thoroughly enjoyed skiing over to other resorts with the local ski school.
Review by Jules from Antwerpen on Tuesday Oct 2nd. Visited Ellmau in january 2007 as family
Ellmsu behoort tot het grote skigebied Skiwelt en je kunt dus naar alle dorpen van dit gebied skieen. Dit maakt het leuk voor de gevorderde skieer, maar ook voor beginners kun je hier heel leuk skieen. Het dorp is echt Oostenrijks, lekker kneuterig; winkeltjes met souvenirs en typische Oostenrijkkse kleding, Supermarkten, Barretjes ed. De skibussen rijden voldoende in het dorp, wel even opletten dat je de goede lijn pakt, ze rijden verschillende routes. Skiverhuur en Skischool zijn voldoende aanwezig. Op donderdag avond geeft de skischool een avondshow op de piste, best leuk, zeker voor kinderen! Ook hebben ze voor kinderen het een en ander geregeld onder aan de piste; zag er leuk uit, maar
Review by Nicole Heeren from Amsterdam Zo on Saturday Jul 28th. Visited Ellmau in february 2007 as family
Spent a very busy half term week Feb 17 2007 in Ellmau. Used to big French resorts, this charming Tyrolean village was a refreshing change. Even though the snow was poor, they worked hard with snow cannons to keep a wide range of linked runs open up on Hartkaiser where the ski area was big and varied. Lift queues to get up Hartkaiser were bad (up to 40 minutes) but once there you could ski all day on the Ski Welt. Big difference for us (on a family skiing holiday ) was how friendly every one was, in the lovely mountain restaurants, in the village, in the ski school - even in the lift queues! There are relatively few boarders and the lack of serious black runs means that intermediates are to
Review by Otzi from Hannover on Saturday Jul 14th. Visited Ellmau in february 2007 as couple