Snow report Neuschonau

Latest ski condition

today2025-03-082025-03-092025-03-102025-03-112025-03-122025-03-132025-03-142025-03-152025-03-162025-03-172025-03-182025-03-192025-03-202025-03-212025-03-22snow depth in cm-50510152025303540455055snow lowersnow upperalert loweralert midalert upper

Snow depth

lo 10 hi 10 cm

Last snow fall: Thu Feb-27





Ski area operating on low capacity

Weather and ski resort data provided by respectively:

Yr Iski


night-3 °C
0.4cmmorning-0 °C
afternoon-2 °C
evening-5 °C
Freezing level @ 825m. Wind at 13km/h NULL


night-6 °C
morning1 °C
afternoon1 °C
evening-2 °C
Detailed skiweather Neuschonau

Snow accumulation

Snow accumulation today

Snow accumulation tomorrow

Regional snow forecast region

resort lower mid upper
Neuschonau Neuschonau10 cm10 cm10 cm
Sankt Oswald Bad Kleinkirch... cm73 cm77 cm
Grafenau Grafenau5 cm5 cm32 cm
Mauth Finstera... Mauth Finstera... cm cm+2cm cm+2cm
Freyung Freyung Geyers... cm cm+2cm cm+2cm

Snow depth ski season 2024-2025

0-line2024-12-172024-12-242024-12-312025-01-072025-01-142025-01-212025-01-282025-02-042025-02-112025-02-182025-02-252025-03-042025-03-112025-03-182025-03-252025-04-01snow depth in cm010203040506070temperature in °C-20-15-10-50510snow depth lower slopessnow depth upper slopestemperature lotemperature hi

Snow depth previous ski season

0-line2023-12-122023-12-192023-12-262024-01-022024-01-092024-01-162024-01-232024-01-302024-02-062024-02-132024-02-202024-02-272024-03-052024-03-122024-03-192024-03-26snow depth in cm0510152025303540temperature in °C-20-15-10-50510snow depth lower slopessnow depth upper slopestemperature lotemperature hi
Detailed historical snow Neuschonau

Neighbouring ski resorts

Ski condition and snow reports of neighbouring ski resorts:

Similar micro-climate

Ski resorts with a similar micro-climate:

No similar micro-climates found.