Myrkdalen ski area


Vertical drop 450 - 690 meters
Descent 240 meters

Ski slopes

16 ski slopes, 30.0km
  • novice13.0km
  • intermediate13.0km
  • expert4.0km

Ski routes 12 km

Ski lifts

drag- chair- gondolas
Total lifts 9

Ski pass

Currency: norwegian krone
Daycard adult 485
6-day card -
Daycard child 370
6-day card -

Myrkdalen Ratings

Ski resort ratings for Myrkdalen compared to all other ski resorts. Based on 6 reviews.

Overall Rating: 69Skiing Rating: 80
6.7 6.910.0 7.66.0 7.78.0 7.110.0 6.88.0 7.64.7 7.86.0 6.77.5 7.78.0 7.0

Myrkdalen reviews

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Myrkdalen Fjellandsby AS Klypeteigane 5701 Voss Norway
Myrkdalen Norway Norway

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