Hafjell ski resort - weather, snow reports and reviews

Hafjell Lillehammer Ski Resorts 200-1030m

Weather report

Cloudy forecasted today. Temperature low -7 °C, high -1 °C. Wind at 115km/h.

Current conditions in Sogndal at resort level: 4°C (min 4°C / max 4°C), broken clouds, cloud cover 75%, Winds SW at 18.5 km/h

Weather today

Weather conditions ski area

Weather outlook

Weather conditions resort

Mountain weather

Mountain temperature at 1030m -1 to -12°C. Freezing level below 500m.

Snow days

days with snow depth during ski season (in %, 10-year avg)

050cm (55%)
100cm (12%)
150cm (1%)
200cm (1%)
250cm (1%)

Snow sure

Rank class based on 10yr average snow depth and temperature


Ski area

The ski area of Hafjell consists of 50.0 km of skiing slopes between 200-1600m altitude.

There are 38.0 km of blue, 8.0 km of red, and 4.0 km of black slopes serviced by 19 lifts.


The ski region Hafjell was voted an average of 8 by our visitors.


Hafjell, excellent resort for beginners and intermediates, superb snow. Teh slopes are long and flattering, no lift queues, not even on holidays or Saturdays. Lots of English spoken but still a nice..

Similar Snow-sure

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Similar Micro-climate

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Resorts in close proximity of Hafjell:

  • Montoni (5.5 km)
  • Terfens (5.1 km)
  • Kolsassberg (5 km)
  • Tulfes (6.1 km)
  • Hall in Tirol (5.7 km)
  • Weerberg (5.8 km)
  • Rinn (8.4 km)
  • Vomp (8.2 km)
  • Hinterriss Eng (11.9 km)
  • Schwaz (9.3 km)
  • Tourist office
