Bever ski resort - weather, snow reports and reviews

Sankt Moritz Celerina -m

Weather report

Cloudy forecasted today. Temperature low -7 °C, high 5 °C. Wind at 7km/h.

Current conditions in Samedan at resort level: 6°C (min 6°C / max 6°C), clear sky, cloud cover 0%, Winds NE at 7.4 km/h

Weather today

Weather conditions ski area

Weather outlook

Weather conditions resort

Mountain weather

Mountain temperature at m 2 to -3°C.


Avalanche risk level Friday March 28

Avalanche risk indication 2

Snow forecast

5-day snow forecast


10cm settles on the upper slopes within 5 days

Snow depth

Snow report Friday March 28


Snow depth on the upper slopes is 98cm.

Snow quality

Snow quality 6.0
Snow condition Good Mid-Range: Decent Coverage with Some Variability - Slightly Soft Top Layer. 2cm of fresh snow settled during the last 48h.


81 %
49 of 60 lifts in operation

Snow days

days with snow depth during ski season (in %, 10-year avg)

050cm (1%)
100cm (1%)
150cm (1%)
200cm (1%)
250cm (1%)

Ski area

The ski area of Sankt Moritz Celerina consists of 155.0 km of skiing slopes between 1720-3022m altitude.

There are 42.0 km of blue, 79.0 km of red, and 34.0 km of black slopes serviced by 60 lifts.

Ski map


The ski region Sankt Moritz Celerina was voted an average of 7.8 by our visitors.


Resorts in close proximity of Bever:

Tourist office