Kreuzweg ski resort - weather, snow reports and reviews

Davos Klosters Mountains -m

Weather report

Partly cloudy forecasted today. Temperature low -4 °C, high -2 °C. Wind at 14km/h.

Current conditions in Prättigau/Davos District at resort level: -5°C (min -5°C / max -5°C), overcast clouds, cloud cover 96%, Winds SSE at 11.3 km/h

Weather today

Weather conditions ski area

0.6cmnight-4 °C
1.8cmmorning0 °C
afternoon-0 °C
evening-6 °C

Weather outlook

Weather conditions resort

2cmSun-6 / 0 °C
2cmMon-9 / 0 °C
2cmTue-8 / -2 °C
3cmWed-4 / -3 °C

Mountain weather

Mountain temperature at m 2 to 0°C. Freezing level at 2323 meters.


Avalanche risk level Saturday March 22

Avalanche risk indication 2

Snow forecast

5-day snow forecast


11cm settles on the upper slopes within 5 days

Snow depth

Snow report Saturday March 22


Snow depth on the upper slopes is 121cm.


91 %
52 of 57 lifts in operation

Snow days

days with snow depth during ski season (in %, 10-year avg)

050cm (41%)
100cm (12%)
150cm (1%)
200cm (1%)
250cm (1%)

Ski area

The ski area of Davos Klosters Mountains consists of 273.0 km of skiing slopes between 810-2844m altitude.

There are 86.0 km of blue, 117.0 km of red, and 70.0 km of black slopes serviced by 57 lifts.

Ski map


The ski region Davos Klosters Mountains was voted an average of 8.5 by our visitors.


Resorts in close proximity of Kreuzweg:

  • Weissfluhjoch (2.1 km)
  • Versuchsfeld Weissfluhjoch (2.5 km)
  • Davos (5.7 km)
  • Davos Stilli (5.4 km)
  • Davos Fluelastrasse (5.5 km)
  • Hanengretji (7.4 km)
  • Frauentobel (7.7 km)
  • Fideris (5.6 km)
  • Kublis (7.6 km)
  • Klosters (6.3 km)
  • Tourist office