Piani di Bobbio ski resort - weather, snow reports and reviews

Piani di Bobbio e Valtorta Lombardia 1350-2000m

Weather report

Partly cloudy forecasted today. Temperature low 4 °C, high 11 °C. Wind at 10km/h.

Current conditions in Barzio at resort level: 15°C (min 14°C / max 16°C), few clouds, cloud cover 15%, Winds SW at 5.3 km/h

Weather today

Weather conditions ski area

night-6 °C
morning8 °C
afternoon6 °C
evening2 °C

Weather outlook

Weather conditions resort

Fri4 / 11 °C
Sat2 / 9 °C
Sun3 / -10 °C
2cmMon1 / -10 °C

Mountain weather

Mountain temperature at 2000m 8 to -5°C. Freezing level at 2365 meters.

Snow depth

Snow report Friday March 28


Snow depth on the upper slopes is 49cm.

Snow quality

Snow quality 5.4
Snow condition Fair: Tracked Snow with Thin or Icy Patches - Heavy, Moist Snowpack. 1cm of fresh snow settled during the last 48h. Last substantial snowfall on Mon Mar 24: 6cm.

Snow anomaly


Average long-year snow depth in week 13 is 36 cm on the lower slopes and 72 cm on the upper slopes. Current snow depth is below long-term average.


83 %
10 of 12 lifts in operation


79 %
28 of 35 km slopes open

Snow days

days with snow depth during ski season (in %, 10-year avg)

050cm (26%)
100cm (9%)
150cm (3%)
200cm (1%)
250cm (1%)

Snow sure

Rank class based on 10yr average snow depth and temperature


Ski area

The ski area of Bobbio consists of 35.0 km of skiing slopes between 1340-1950m altitude.

There are 15.0 km of blue, 10.0 km of red, and 10.0 km of black slopes serviced by 12 lifts.

Ski map


The ski region Bobbio was voted an average of 6.8 by our visitors.

Similar Snow-sure

Ski resorts offering a snow reliability level similar to Piani di Bobbio:


Resorts in close proximity of Piani di Bobbio:

  • Barzio (1.2 km)
  • Pian delle Betulle (9.7 km)
  • Piani dErna (12.7 km)
  • Lecco (12.7 km)
  • Malgrate (13.6 km)
  • Giazzo (14.6 km)
  • Bellano (15.7 km)
  • Varena (15.2 km)
  • Brembilla (18.5 km)
  • Civenna (15 km)
  • Tourist office
