Weather report Uttendorf


Weather outlook

2mmSun3 / 9 °C
2mmMon0 / 5 °C
Tue-4 / 6 °C
Wed3 / 12 °C
Thu3 / 15 °C
Fri5 / 17 °C
Sat / °C
Sun / °C
<5cmMon / °C


0.1cmnight1 °C
1.0mmmorning4 °C
6.0mmafternoon4 °C
2cmevening0 °C
Mountain temperature 2 / 6°C. Freezing level @ 1144m. Wind at 2km/h NULL.

Current conditions at low altitude: 4.1°C (min 3°C / max 4°C), overcast clouds.


2.1cmnight-1 °C
0.6cmmorning-1 °C
2.9cmafternoon-1 °C
1.3cmevening-5 °C


Regional weather (3day)

resort today Mon 17th Tue 18th Wed 19th
Oberndorf bei ... Oberndorf0.9mm2 / 7°C0.4mm-1 / 11°C-3 / 6°C-5 / 10°C
Mitterdorf Mitterdorf2 / 8°C-2 / 5°C-3 / 6°C-1 / 10°C
Faistenau Faistenau1.0mm1 / 5°C2.0mm0 / 3°C6 / 6°C2 / 11°C
Hintersee Gaissau Hinter...2.0mm1 / 5°C2.0mm0 / 3°C-4 / 5°C1 / 12°C
Krispl gaissau Gaissau Hinter...5.6mm0 / 5°C4.6mm0 / 2°C-4 / 1°C1 / 11°C

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