Snow report Nods

Latest ski condition

today2025-03-072025-03-082025-03-092025-03-102025-03-112025-03-122025-03-132025-03-142025-03-152025-03-162025-03-172025-03-182025-03-192025-03-202025-03-21snow depth in cm-50510152025303540455055snow lowersnow upperalert loweralert midalert upper

Snow depth

no snow report available





Ski area operating on low capacity


1.7cmnight1 °C
0.5cmmorning2 °C
0.9cmafternoon1 °C
0.1cmevening-0 °C
Freezing level @ 702m. Wind at 4km/h NULL


night-1 °C
morning3 °C
afternoon3 °C
evening-1 °C
Detailed skiweather Nods

Snow accumulation

Snow accumulation today

Snow accumulation tomorrow

Regional snow forecast region

resort lower mid upper
Nods Nods cm cm+2cm cm+2cm
Col du Chasser... Bugnenets-Sava... cm+3cm cm+8cm cm+8cm
Bugnenets Bugnenets-Sava...10 cm+2cm20 cm+4cm40 cm+4cm
Grenchen Grenchen cm cm cm
Schwarzsee Schwarzsee20 cm26 cm+4cm30 cm+5cm

Snow depth ski season 2024-2025

0-line2024-12-172024-12-242024-12-312025-01-072025-01-142025-01-212025-01-282025-02-042025-02-112025-02-182025-02-252025-03-042025-03-112025-03-182025-03-252025-04-01snow depth in cm0temperature in °C-20-15-10-50510snow depth lower slopessnow depth upper slopestemperature lotemperature hi

Snow depth previous ski season

0-line2023-12-122023-12-192023-12-262024-01-022024-01-092024-01-162024-01-232024-01-302024-02-062024-02-132024-02-202024-02-272024-03-052024-03-122024-03-192024-03-26snow depth in cm0temperature in °C-20-15-10-50510snow depth lower slopessnow depth upper slopestemperature lotemperature hi
Detailed historical snow Nods

Neighbouring ski resorts

Ski condition and snow reports of neighbouring ski resorts:

Similar micro-climate

Ski resorts with a similar micro-climate:

No similar micro-climates found.