Ruka 291-492m
Cloudy forecasted today. Temperature low -29 °C, high -18 °C.
Weather conditions ski area
Weather conditions resort
Avalanche risk level Thursday January 9
5-day snow forecast
4cm settles on the upper slopes within 5 days
Snow report Thursday January 9
1cm of fresh snow during the last 48h
Average long-year snow depth in week 2 is 57 cm on the lower slopes and 54 cm on the upper slopes. Current snow depth is below long-term average.
days with snow depth during ski season (in %, 10-year avg)
Rank class based on 10yr average snow depth and temperature
The ski area of Ruka consists of 37.0 km of skiing slopes between 295-1600m altitude.
There are 19.0 km of blue, 14.0 km of red, and 4.0 km of black slopes serviced by 23 lifts.
The ski region Ruka was voted an average of 7.7 by our visitors.
I chose Ruka because it seemed to have snow late on in the season and it wasn't too large for first timers. It was fab - all of us managed to learn to ski or at least stand up and get to the bottom .. VICTORIA BALMEDIE
I chose Ruka because it seemed to have snow late on in the season and it wasn't too large for first timers. It was fab - all of us managed to learn to ski or at least stand up and get to the bottom ..
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