Mayrhofen ski resort - weather, snow reports and reviews
Mayrhofen Zillertal Area 648-2448m
Snow quality
Snow quality 5.8
Snow condition Good Mid-Range: Decent Coverage with Some Variability - Heavy, Moist Snowpack.
Snow anomaly
Average long-year snow depth in week 12 is 3 cm on the lower slopes and 96 cm on the upper slopes. Current snow depth is below long-term average.
Snow days
days with snow depth during ski season (in %, 10-year avg)
Ski area
The ski area of Mayrhofen Hippach consists of 142.0 km of skiing slopes between 840-2500m altitude. 36% is above 2000m. 40% is facing South.
There are 44.0 km of blue, 66.0 km of red, and 32.0 km of black slopes serviced by 65 lifts.
Mayrhofen has a very relaxed feel about it and everyone we met whilst there was very nice and friendly. The only time that it gets a bit roudy is when snowboming is on, but even then people are well..
Closest transit point for ski destination Mayrhofen is Innsbruck airport. The travel distance is 68.6 km which equals an est. travel time of 58 mins.
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