Mayrhofen ski resort - weather, snow reports and reviews

Mayrhofen Zillertal Area 648-2448m

Mayrhofen Gasthof Zimmereben

Courtesy of Panomax

Weather report

Light rain forecasted today. Temperature low 9 °C, high 17 °C. Wind at 13km/h.

Current conditions in Mayrhofen at resort level: 7°C (min 7°C / max 7°C), moderate rain, cloud cover 97%, Winds S at 14.2 km/h

Weather today

Weather conditions ski area

2.0mmnight8 °C
0.3mmmorning11 °C
afternoon12 °C
evening7 °C

Weather outlook

Weather conditions resort

Sun9 / 17 °C
Mon8 / 15 °C
Tue9 / 14 °C
2mmWed7 / 8 °C

Mountain weather

Mountain temperature at Rastkogel 2448m 3 to 2°C. Freezing level at 2100 meters.

Snow depth

Snow report Saturday March 22


Snow depth on the upper slopes is 70cm.

Snow quality

Snow quality 5.8
Snow condition Good Mid-Range: Decent Coverage with Some Variability - Heavy, Moist Snowpack.

Snow anomaly


Average long-year snow depth in week 12 is 3 cm on the lower slopes and 96 cm on the upper slopes. Current snow depth is below long-term average.


94 %
58 of 63 lifts in operation


90 %
130 of 142 km slopes open

Snow days

days with snow depth during ski season (in %, 10-year avg)

050cm (83%)
100cm (36%)
150cm (9%)
200cm (1%)
250cm (1%)

Snow sure

Rank class based on 10yr average snow depth and temperature


Ski area

The ski area of Mayrhofen Hippach consists of 142.0 km of skiing slopes between 840-2500m altitude. 36% is above 2000m. 40% is facing South.

There are 44.0 km of blue, 66.0 km of red, and 32.0 km of black slopes serviced by 65 lifts.

Ski map


The ski region Mayrhofen Hippach was voted an average of 7.7 by our visitors.


Mayrhofen has a very relaxed feel about it and everyone we met whilst there was very nice and friendly. The only time that it gets a bit roudy is when snowboming is on, but even then people are well..


Closest transit point for ski destination Mayrhofen is Innsbruck airport. The travel distance is 68.6 km which equals an est. travel time of 58 mins.

Similar Snow-sure

Ski resorts offering a snow reliability level similar to Mayrhofen:


Resorts in close proximity of Mayrhofen:

  • Hippach (3.8 km)
  • Ramsau im Zillertal (4.4 km)
  • Finkenberg (3.3 km)
  • Hainzenberg (6.4 km)
  • Zell am Ziller (7.6 km)
  • Ginzling (8.3 km)
  • Aschau im Zillertal (10.9 km)
  • Rastkogel (9.6 km)
  • Kaltenbach im Zillertal (14.2 km)
  • Stumm im Zillertal (14.1 km)
  • Tourist office