Kleinwalsertal resort - weather, webcams and reviews

Kleinwalsertal - Kanzelwandbahn 1923m

Courtesy of Panomax

Oberstdorf - Nebelhorn 2058m

Courtesy of 0

Hotel Montana Parsenn

Courtesy of Hotelmontana

Hirschegg Naturhotel Chese Valisa

Courtesy of Lughammer

Kleinwangen Sonnenhof

Courtesy of 6277.ch

Hirschegg Hotel Sonnenberg

Courtesy of Kleinwalsertal-Sonnenberg

Fellhorn Gipfelstation

Courtesy of Tramino

Hirschegg - Hotel Sonnenberg

Courtesy of Kleinwalsertal-Sonnenberg

Mittelberg Naturhotel Larchenhof

Courtesy of Naturhotel-Laerchenhof

Since Kleinwalsertal / Alpenhotel DAS KUREN Blick nach Sudosten ins Waldele

Courtesy of Foto Webcam


The ski region was voted an average of 4 by our visitors.


Closest transit point for ski destination Kleinwalsertal is Memmingen airport. The travel distance is 84.7 km which equals an est. travel time of 1 hour 0 mins.


Resorts in close proximity of Kleinwalsertal:

Tourist office
