Goldegg ski resort - weather, snow reports and reviews
Goldegg Salzburg 840-1223m
Weather today
Weather conditions ski area
2cmnight2 °C
21.0mmmorning3 °C
11cmafternoon2 °C
2cmevening2 °C
Snow days
days with snow depth during ski season (in %, 10-year avg)
Ski area
The ski area of Goldegg consists of 5.0 km of skiing slopes between 850-1750m altitude. 52% is above 1000m. 51% is facing East.
There are 4.0 km of blue, 1.0 km of red, and 0.0 km of black slopes serviced by 4 lifts.
Closest transit point for ski destination Goldegg is Salzburg airport. The travel distance is 74.2 km which equals an est. travel time of 1 hour 1 min.
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