Fendels ski resort - weather, snow reports and reviews

Fendels Kaunertal 882-2281m

Prutz Campingplatz Aktiv

Courtesy of Aktiv Camping

Bertas Kinderland Fiss

Courtesy of Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis


Courtesy of Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis

Sattelbahn Talstation

Courtesy of Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis

Weather report

Light rain forecasted today. Temperature low 4 °C, high 8 °C. Wind Light air at 4km/h .

Weather today

Weather conditions ski area

Weather outlook

Weather conditions resort

Mountain weather

Mountain temperature at Plangger 2281m 7 to 5°C. Freezing level at 2387 meters.

Snow days

days with snow depth (in %, 10-year avg)

050cm (64%)
100cm (35%)
150cm (20%)
200cm (6%)
250cm (1%)

Snow sure

Rank class based on 10yr average snow depth and temperature


Ski area

The ski area of Fendels consists of 16.0 km of skiing slopes between 1350-2300m altitude. 18% is above 2000m. 61% is facing West.

There are 8.0 km of blue, 6.0 km of red, and 2.0 km of black slopes serviced by 7 lifts.

Ski map


The ski region Fendels was voted an average of 6.6 by our visitors.


Wij gaan al voor de 12e jaar naar Fendels en vinden het nog steeds uitstekend. Niet alleen het skien, rustige pistes de bereikbaarheid, maar ook de accomedaties. De kinderen vermaken zich uitstekend..


Closest transit point for ski destination Fendels is Innsbruck airport. The travel distance is 88.8 km which equals an est. travel time of 1 hour 4 mins.

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Tourist office
