Berwang ski resort - weather, snow reports and reviews

Berwang Bichlbach 1318-1722m

Sonnalmbahn Bergstation

Courtesy of Feratel


Courtesy of Feratel

Egghof Sunjet

Courtesy of Feratel

Weather report

Partly cloudy forecasted today. Temperature low -7 °C, high 5 °C. Wind at 5km/h.

Weather today

Weather conditions ski area

Weather outlook

Weather conditions resort

Mountain weather

Mountain temperature at Oberer Rastkopf 1722m 4 to 0°C. Freezing level at 1532 meters.

Snow depth

Snow report Wednesday February 19


Snow depth on the upper slopes is 55cm.

Snow quality

Snow quality 6.0
Snow condition High-Quality: Smooth Groomed Excellence. (grippy). 1cm of fresh snow settled during the last 48h.

Snow anomaly


Average long-year snow depth in week 8 is 83 cm on the lower slopes and 110 cm on the upper slopes. Current snow depth is below long-term average.


95 %
12 of 13 lifts in operation


100 %
12 of 12 km slopes open

Snow days

days with snow depth during ski season (in %, 10-year avg)

050cm (65%)
100cm (27%)
150cm (10%)
200cm (4%)
250cm (1%)

Snow sure

Rank class based on 10yr average snow depth and temperature


Ski area

The ski area of Berwang Bichlbach consists of 36.0 km of skiing slopes between 1075-1740m altitude. 100% is above 1000m. 37% is facing North.

There are 24.0 km of blue, 10.0 km of red, and 2.0 km of black slopes serviced by 13 lifts.

Ski map


The ski region Berwang Bichlbach was voted an average of 7.1 by our visitors.


Het is beslist niet verkeerd, een leuk ogend plaatsje, maar ik vind Berwang toch te beperkt c.q. te klein. Bovendien zijn de liften al een beetje "out of time". Ze hadden hier meer in "mee" moeten g..


Closest transit point for ski destination Berwang is Memmingen airport. The travel distance is 97.7 km which equals an est. travel time of 1 hour 4 mins.

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Tourist office