Arosa ski resort - weather, snow reports and reviews
Arosa Lenzerheide 1752-2646m
Weather today
Weather conditions ski area
Weather outlook
Weather conditions resort
Snow quality
Snow quality 7.5
Snow condition High-Quality: Well-Preserved and Substantial Snowpack. 6cm of fresh snow settled during the last 48h. Last substantial snowfall on Sun Mar 23: 6cm.
Snow anomaly
Average long-year snow depth in week 13 is 85 cm on the lower slopes and 143 cm on the upper slopes. Current snow depth is below long-term average.
Snow days
days with snow depth during ski season (in %, 10-year avg)
Ski area
The ski area of Arosa Lenzerheide consists of 225.0 km of skiing slopes between 1249-2865m altitude. 48% is above 2000m. 43% is facing East.
There are 111.0 km of blue, 87.0 km of red, and 27.0 km of black slopes serviced by 43 lifts.
Wij gaan ondertussen al 5 jaar naar dit dorp. Er hangt een gezellige sfeer in Arosa, maar het is wel erg duur. Het skigebied is niet extreem groot, maar bied voldoende variatie. Er zijn veel recente..
Closest transit point for ski destination Arosa is Zurich airport. The travel distance is 151 km which equals an est. travel time of 2 hours 9 mins.
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